Analysing R-universe

R-universe is a platform by rOpenSci that provides an alternative way of creating package ecosystems. It tracks specified packages on GitHub/GitLab and creates a “universe” containing packages, builds, vignettes, accessible API… That’s why we opened our own turtleverse.


Each universe has separate package list, so the user should specify the relevant universe through the universe parameter.

wood_runiverse_packages(universe = "turtletopia")
#> [1] "woodendesc"  "gglgbtq"     "deepdep"     "openaccess"  "aurrera"    
#> [6] "versionsort" "ggpizza"

Available package version

Since R-universe works by pointing to the latest commit on the main branch, there’s always one version of a package; to extract it the user should use wood_runiverse_version().

wood_runiverse_version("gglgbtq", universe = "turtletopia")
#> [1] "0.2.0"

Package dependencies

R-universe API is actually nice enough to return dependency data, but they still have to be parsed before returning.

wood_runiverse_dependencies("gglgbtq", universe = "turtletopia")
#> <dependencies>
#>   Depends:     R (>= 2.10)
#>   Imports:     ggplot2 (>= 3.4.0)
#>   Imports:     graphics
#>   Imports:     grDevices
#>   Imports:     rlang
#>   Imports:     tibble
#>   Suggests:    knitr
#>   Suggests:    rmarkdown
#>   Suggests:    spelling
#>   Suggests:    testthat (>= 3.0.0)
#>   Suggests:    vdiffr