Analysing base packages

Core packages are shipped with most R installations and some of them are loaded by default when starting a new session (though it’s configurable).


To list all core packages within the woodendesc framework, i.e. the ones shown by installed.packages(priority = "base"), the user should use wood_core_packages().

#>  [1] "base"      "compiler"  "datasets"  "grDevices" "graphics"  "grid"     
#>  [7] "methods"   "parallel"  "splines"   "stats"     "stats4"    "tcltk"    
#> [13] "tools"     "utils"

Available package version

In general, all core packages follow the same rule when it comes to determining their version codes: they use the same version code as R itself. Nevertheless, should the user wish to access this data anyways, the woodendesc framework provides wood_core_version() function.

#> [1] "4.4.2"

Package dependencies

To list package dependencies the user should use wood_core_dependencies(). Expect all “Imports” to be core packages only, as it would make no sense for a core package to depend on something else.

#> <dependencies>
#>   Imports:     utils
#>   Imports:     grDevices
#>   Imports:     graphics
#>   Suggests:    MASS
#>   Suggests:    Matrix
#>   Suggests:    SuppDists
#>   Suggests:    methods
#>   Suggests:    stats4
#>   Enhances:    Kendall
#>   Enhances:    coin
#>   Enhances:    multcomp
#>   Enhances:    pcaPP
#>   Enhances:    pspearman
#>   Enhances:    robustbase